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June 12, 2018

Why You Should Join a Professional Employer Organization

It is simple. You need to have workers’ compensation insurance. But, you hate to overpay for it. You keep a safe work site. You do your best to ensure employees never suffer an injury on the job. Yet, you still need to have this coverage. One step to take is to work to reduce your […]
May 7, 2018

Will Home Insurance Replace Your Gutters?

Home insurance helps you to pay for expensive repairs to your home in many cases. However, whether it will pay to replace your gutters depends on the cause of the problem. Gutters are a critical component to your home’s structural integrity. As a result, you need to maintain them. You also need to inspect them […]
April 17, 2018

Keep these Tips in Mind When Driving in the Rain

April showers bring May flowers, or so the popular rhyme goes. It carries a grain of truth. Springtime often brings rainy conditions to our communities. Though we need the rain, we could do without the hazardous conditions it might create. Still, slippery surfaces are just part of the package. Driving in the rain means you […]
March 30, 2018

Avoiding Employee Injuries in Your Seasonal Business

We’ve all heard that spring is a time to start fresh. It’s the growing season, and everywhere life is reawakening. During this time, many businesses explore seasonal ventures. They often prove very profitable additions to normal operations. Seasonal operations might mean hiring more workers in your clothing store, or bringing on extra planters to cultivate […]
March 27, 2018

Selling Your Home: 4 Projects to Improve Curb Appeal

When potential buyers stop by to view your home, or even search for available properties online, their first impression will not be of your home’s living room or kitchen; their first impression will be of your home’s exterior. The curb appeal of your home can be the deciding factor on whether a buyer ever sets […]
February 26, 2018

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Paint?

Maybe your walls are looking a little worse for wear. Or maybe it is time to add a new color to your siding. If your home needs paint work, be ready to spend a little money. You might wonder if a new coat of paint counts as a home repair? Will your homeowners insurance cover […]
January 26, 2018

New Year, New Car: Understand Your Insurance Costs

Now that it is 2018, it may be time to trade in your car for a new set of wheels. Many auto dealerships offer sales and other discounts at the start of the year. However, once you buy a car, you need to protect it. Your state will likely require you to carry auto insurance. […]
January 5, 2018

Liability Insurance for Seniors

If you are an adult beginning to provide more oversight to a parent, proper insurance is often overlooked or neglected. While some changes in a senior’s lifestyle may seem to reduce liability exposure, the opposite may actually be true. Family Trusts A family trust may be used for wealth management and estate planning. When you […]
December 20, 2017

What Happens When an Employee Is Using Drugs or Alcohol?

Workers’ compensation insurance provides financial coverage for worker accidents and injuries. If your employee suffers an injury while they are at work, this coverage will help. It can pay for an employee’s medical bills and lost time at work. But, what about the negligence component here? If an employee comes to work on drugs or […]
December 14, 2017

Technology For Taking Care Of Seniors From Afar

As a child, adults took care of you, and not just your parents. Grandparents, uncles, teachers, and family friends all had a hand in raising you and keeping you safe. You appreciate that, which is why you want to help them in turn when they get older. That’s not so easy considering how you live […]

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